The World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) runs a fellowship program for young anaesthetists from low income countries.
The fellowships aim to provide education, experience and help to establish networks. The applicants are supported by their own anaesthesia department and return to their home country to a recognised post, where they can contribute to local teaching and training.
SPANZA has committed to funding six month duration paediatric anaesthesia fellowships to be hosted in Vellore, India since 2016- at a cost of A$10,000 each. Reports from this program are included in the SPANZA annual report (available in the members section of this website).
Queensland Children’s Hospital is offering a 6 month paediatric anaesthesia and acute pain management fellowship to a consultant anaesthetist from a low or middle income country where subspecialty training does not currently exist. The goal is to enhance the safety and quality of paediatric anaesthesia care globally by granting the fellow comprehensive exposure to a broad scope of paediatric procedures and patients, increasing their confidence, and assisting them to become leaders in paediatric anaesthesia their country, whilst creating new relationships with their departments and hospitals. The fellowship with be largely self-funded with a generous grant from SPANZA supported by donors from amongst the anaesthesia community at Queensland Children’s Hospital. If you would like to contribute please donate here.
Note: if this program is successful and other centres decide to adopt a similar model, SPANZA reserves the right to transfer the donated funds to the fellow/institution offering the fellowship. In the event multiple sites become involved in offering fellowships a start date for moneys to be split will be mutually decided by those sites.