Anesthesiologists’ Overconfidence in Their Perceived Knowledge of Neuromuscular Monitoring and Its Relevance to All Aspects of Medical Practice: An International Survey.

Editorial: Heuristics, Overconfidence, and Experience: Impact on Monitoring Depth of Neuromuscular Blockade. Harman A, Tung A, Fox C, Lien CA. Anesth Analg. 2019 Jun;128(6):1057–9.

Being one of those overconfident anaesthetists referred to by Naguib’s international survey, I found both the survey and the constructively critical editorial by Harman interesting to read. Naguib’s international online survey demonstrated overconfidence in anesthesiologists’ attitudes to NMT monitoring, and blockade reversal, and indicated that this overconfidence was linked to reduced use of NMT monitoring. Particularly within paediatric anaesthesia, NMT monitoring is inconsistently applied. Whether improving block monitoring will lead to more generalized improvements in recovery remains to be proven, but specific issues with residual paralysis abound. If you’re interested in survey based processes or neuromuscular blockade monitoring, read these.

Reviewed by: Dr Justin Skowno