Proposed Constitution Change 2
With a large proportion of the executive coming to the end of their terms over the last 2 years, we were in a situation where the Vice President and the Secretary were up for re-nomination at the same time many new Executive members were being nominated and coming on board for the first time. This […]
Proposed Constitution Change 1
Following lots of thought and discussion, the executive has decided the time has come to open our society to the inclusion of colleagues who are not Specialist Anaesthetists, GP Anaesthetists, or trainees of these two specialities. The SPANZA Executive recognises that the safe and effective delivery of anaesthesia, perioperative care and pain management for children relies on the expertise and […]
Proposed Constitution Changes
We recently shared with you proposed constitution changes to be voted on at the AGM this year. Below is a reminder of the 2 proposed changes and again, a reminder that your feedback is invited before the formal motion is put forward later in the year.