Proposed Constitution Change 2
With a large proportion of the executive coming to the end of their terms over the last 2 years, we were in a situation where the Vice President and the Secretary were up for re-nomination at the same time many new Executive members were being nominated and coming on board for the first time. This left the situation where the President may have been the only previous non-coopted executive member on the Executive if the Secretary and Vice President had not achieved re-nomination. This is very risky for corporate memory and knowledge of the recent history of SPANZA.
The below is the proposed change to the constitution to protect the Vice President in the year prior to them becoming President, and a name change to President Elect, from Vice President.
The proposed changes are in bold italics.
CHANGE 1: Wherever the term Vice-President is used in the Constitution – that this term be changed to President-Elect.
CHANGE 2: Insertion of Clause 9.7
9.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of eight (8) members elected by ballot at the AGM. There shall be at least one Executive Committee member from New Zealand and one from Australia.
9.2 Nominations for election to the Executive Committee shall be by written proposal and seconded by two (2) Ordinary Members and shall be received by the Honorary Secretary at least two (2) weeks before the date of the AGM.
9.3 Notice of all persons seeking election to the Executive Committee shall be given to all members of the Society with the notice calling the meeting at which the election is to take place.
9.4 The Executive Committee shall elect annually at its first meeting following the AGM from amongst its members a President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office of the President shall not exceed two (2) years.
9.5 The term of office after election to the Executive Committee is three (3) years. Committee members may be eligible for re-election at the end of each three (3) year term, so as to serve a total period in office of no longer than twelve (12) years.
9.6 In the event that an Executive Committee member’s three year term is due to conclude whilst that member is holding the office of President, then the Presidential two year term may prevail, provided that such action does not cause that Executive Committee member’s time in office to exceed twelve (12) years, pursuant to clause 9.5.
9.7 In the event that the President-Elect is eligible for re-election in the one (1) year prior to becoming President, they will not be required to seek re-election and will automatically remain on the Executive Committee for another three (3) years to allow them to complete their two (2) year President term. Provided that such action does not cause that executive Committee member’s time in office to exceed twelve (12) years, pursuant to clause 9.5.
9.8 The office of an Executive Committee member shall become vacant if an Executive Committee member is:
(a) Disqualified from being an Executive Committee member by the Act;
(b) Expelled as a member under these rules;
(c) Permanently incapacitated by ill health;
(d) Absent without apology from more than two (2) meetings in a financial year.
9.9 The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt others. Co-opted members of the Executive Committee shall be non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
9.10 Executive Committee meetings may be held in person or by electronic means, including but not limited to audio or videoconferencing.
9.11 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year. A quorum must include either the President or President-Elect.
9.12 The President shall chair the meeting and have a second or casting vote.
9.13 The President-Elect shall chair the meeting in the absence of the President and have a second or casting vote.
9.14 A copy of the Constitution shall be available for perusal at every AGM of the Society and at all Executive Committee meetings.
9.15 The management of the affairs, funds and property of the Society shall, subject to any direction from the Society, be vested in the Executive Committee.
9.16 No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Executive Committee unless, a quorum of its members are present personally or by proxy at the commencement of such meeting.
9.17 The Executive Committee may appoint a person to fill a casual vacancy, and such an Executive Committee member shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Society and shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee without nomination.