Message from the President

Dear Members,

There have been a few reminders sent recently and I would like to take this opportunity to mention one again – as we have proposed Consitution changes to be voted on at the AGM in October. If you are not there and would like to appoint a proxy, please find the form linked in the AGM reminder below.

In collaboration with ANZCA, we are seeking a SPANZA member to write an editorial or narrative review of congenital and acquired childhood conditions persisting in adults. Please see the detail below, and contact us if you have any questions about the EOI.

SPANZA will soon be launching an information series in our newsletters to assist us in reducing our environmental impact in our day to day care of patients, and our work. Keep an eye out for this new series coming soon. As part of our commitment to reducing our impact, we are assisting colleagues in the UK who are interested in our practice with propofol mixtures. Please complete their survey, it takes less than 5 minutes!

We hope to see many of you at the SPANZA ASM in Melbourne. For those staying home to look after patients, thank you.
